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Ballistic Blankets by Chase Tactical
Chase Tactical offers a full line of Military and Law Enforcement Grade Level IIIA soft Armor Ballistic Blankets.
Our blankets are manufactured using Aramid and Kevlar materials to ensure flexible packages that allow operators to easily and quickly deploy in critical situations whether during an active shooter situation or during a breach type activity.
Our blankets offer advanced quick deployment readiness for tactical and serious threat situations. Our advanced ballistic blankets also include an optional upgrade to add our Patented Blastwrap© technology. Ballistic capability of our blankets is independently tested according to the NIJ 0108.01 standard.
Our Blastwrap© is independently tested against severe large capacity and destructive explosive threats. BlastWrap® works by dissipating blast shock energy through irreversible processes and also by very rapidly quenching the thermal output of an explosion. BlastWrap® is usually integrated into one of two basic categories: barriers or containers. Barriers include temporary and permanent wall units; linings applied to walls, blast tables, suspended ceiling materials, suspended free standing or floor mounted barriers, and modular barrier or revetment kits. More information can be found inside the catalog and at our website regarding this add-on accessory.