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OD Green Tactical Gear

Tactical Gear – Color: OD Green (Olive Drab)

Shop for our large selection of Tactical Gear available in the color OD Green. A.K.A. Olive Drab, is a military color often called just OD. It is the basic U.S. Army dark olive green. If you are looking for a different color, call us today.

The OD Green (Olive Drab Tactical Camouflage) is the most common natural color for concealment and camouflage in foliaged environments. This color has been used by military forces throughout history for aesthetic considerations and widely distributed to large, conscripted armies during WWI & WWII, the OD Green Camouflage also offers various advantages for warfare and tactical operations.

OD Green (Olive Drab)

Original price was: $22.95.Current price is: $6.95.
Swatch image FDE (Flat Dark Earth) Color
Swatch image Grey
Color_Swatch_OD OD Green (Olive Drab)